Saturday, December 8, 2007

Back to Reality

After a few fuzzy happy days, thinking I might actually be pregnant, everything starts to go wrong. This morning I woke up with bad cramps, went to the bathroom and found I was bleeding.

I mean really bleeding, not the mild sounding "implantation spotting" I'd been told of, but bright red, heavy bleeding that still hasn't stopped. It's not bad enough for an ER visit, and no way I'm calling the KGB clinic tonight. It's doubtful they'd get back to me anyway. I called a few times last week after they failed to call us with an update on the freezing of our 3 unused embies. I'm sure the only time they will call is to collect payment.

I almost wish it were a little heavier so we could go to ER, and then at least they could do an u/s and blood tests to give us at least some idea of whats going on. I keep doing Internet searches, but come up with nothing relevant to bleeding so much 5dpt.

Guess I'm just a freak.


Rachel Inbar said...

Bright red? I think any bleeding from the uterus would be a darker red (unless this is the usual color of your bleeding).

The hormones you're getting should have kept you from bleeding...

Make sure to get checked out if this continues!

halfshared said...

Just want you to know I think about you a lot and hope things are good by you. Be well!

Anonymous said...

Didnt Hear From You In A While. Hope Everything Is Good By You? How Are You Feeling?

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Trying said...

I just found your blog, and I'll probably read your past posts at some point.
Are you on progesterone shots? If you are, it should hold off bleeding even if it didn't take, so you might want to speak to your doctor regardless of how heavy it is.