Thursday, July 10, 2008

What was I thinking?

I'd actually begun to think that I might be having a baby. You know, just like all those other women I see on my block, in shul, in the store. I was going to be like any other frum woman around here. Busy with her kids, kvetching about school fees, being like a typical frummy mommy.

Yesterdays beta was low. I had only gone from 37 to 149 in a week. The ultrasound did show implantation, and the blob we saw on screen was measuring at 4 weeks 4 days, which is only one day less than it should be.

I asked the clinic to repeat the bloodwork tomorrow, but they refused. I have to wait until next wednesday for a follow up appointment.

Just how I'll get through this week, I don't know. I'm sick of waiting for results, waiting for my life to start, waiting for my husband to finally grow up and be an adult. I'm sick of waiting to be happy.


frumhouse said...

You are thinking the way Hashem meant for us to think - positively! Who knows why you were given this rocky road to parenthood - only Hashem knows. There is no point in waiting to find happiness in things you have no control over. You only have the power to change yourself and your outlook. I wish you peace during this painful time.

Anonymous said...

i'll be thinking of you too! it'll work out.

Modern Orthodox IF said...

good luck!!

Trying said...

I'm sure things will work out. Just remember, everything is for the best, even if we don't see it!

Anonymous said...

your waiting for your husband to grow up ? Forget it men never grow up they stay immature and in their childhood thinking until they turn 40. Then they say that they are getting old.