Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Only One?

Transfer was yesterday. Thank G-d, it went well. The KGB Clinic kept us waiting over an hour after the appointment time, with no news of how many had survived, or without discussing the number we would like to be transferred. Communicating with clients is not important for them.

Finally we were taken through, and after about 20 mins the Doc walks in and tells us that 4 made it, with 2 very good and 2 okish embryos. He then announced that today he would transfer the 2 good ones and could we sign on the dotted line as he's running late. Much to his surprise I refused to have 2 transferred, and asked for just one. The Doc looked at me as if I'd grown two heads. "Remind me", he said, "how many kids to you have already?". Now dear reader, I'm sitting in an IVF clinic, with a doctor who was supposed to be in charge of my case, and he asks me that? Does this man ever read notes? Or perhaps he lacks the ability to retain basic information. "None" I replied, "but if you look at my medical history you'd fully understand why twins could result in a very high risk situation."

I'm 35, very overweight, and have a condition that could lead to many complications in pregnancy. I've also worked in Early Intervention for the past 7 years, and have come across so many twins who were preemies and behind in their development. Much as I would love to have twins, medically it's just not a good idea. Still the doctor pressed on, with 2 embryos transferred I'd have a 50% chance of pregnancy, and only 35% chance with one. It was a tough decision, but transferring one felt like the best option.

The actual transfer went ok. I was yelled at because in the hour wait I had no choice but to make a bathroom visit. There is no way I could hold a full bladder for the two hours we were there.

One good thing about the 5 day transfer is that it cuts down the dreaded 2ww to 9 days. I'm scheduled for a blood test next Wednesday.

Still feels like a long, anxious wait.


Rachel Inbar said...

I'm with ya' :-)

Actually, the pregnancy rate after having a fresh + frozen cycle with one embryo each vs. a fresh cycle with two embryos is almost identical in fact, some research has shown it to be higher & virtually no risk of twins (less than 1%).

Your decision, according to the statistics I've read is the trend in Scandinavian countries, though most women state that the decision to electively transfer a single embryo was a difficult one.

If you are interested in any of the articles, let me know. I have PDFs of all of the latest research on the subject.

Wishing you the very best of luck & an easy 2 week wait... and, of course, happy Chanuka!

Urban Ennui said...

Hi, thanks for the encouraging words. I'm going soon to the MD, and the pot thing will probably not come to fruition since all my former hook-ups now are busy with their families.

I wish you so much luck. I want to hear good news from you.

How do you get through it in the worst possible moments?