Sunday, June 29, 2008


...the good news is the doc ok'd PIO until after the beta.

The not-so-good-news is 4dpt (9dpo) not a single pregnancy symptom. With my other pregnancies I had symptoms after 7dpo.

I'm trying not to worry, but it's difficult not to. In the back of my mind I also stress over how we'll afford another cycle, as most of our insurance has been used up. I don't think Bonei Olam will help as my husband earns too much (but sadly also owes much more). One thought we had was for me to move to Israel and get treatment there. My husband could possibly work out there for 6 months, but after that he'd want to come back here.

So many questions! I hope you, dear reader, are having a much happier time. If not, I've just baked some delicious chocolate Brownies and I'm happy to share them with you.

1 comment:

Rachel Inbar said...

Too early for symptoms if you ask me (I never had any before 9dpt). Keeping you in my thoughts! I think that you have to live in Israel for 6 months before you're eligible for IVF...