Monday, July 14, 2008

The little embryo that could?

Went to my GP yesterday to have my HCG levels checked. B"H, they'd increased from 139 on Wednesday to 1125 on Sunday.

Nice increase, but low numbers for 5 weeks pregnant.

Thanks for all your comments. Ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, so we'll see how the bean is progressing.


frumhouse said...

Wishing you only the best news!!!!

Sheva said...

Just keep on davening and do what you are doing and your day will come. I'm a mother of 2 with nine loses under my belt. My baby is 21 months now and we want more , but Hashem has a plan for all of us. You can take this a leave it but have you thought about writing a letter to the Rebbe you can even do it online and it will be printed for you and placed in the Ohel.It couldn't hurt.

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping for more good news!

Anonymous said...

you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Cece said...

Praying that everything goes wonderfully on Weds.

Batya said...

G-d willing...

Anonymous said...

you've been quiet for a while. i hope you are ok.