Tuesday, September 16, 2008

14 w 4d

B"H, all appears to be well. We had a tough first 12 weeks, which included a trip to ER and major panic over HCG numbers. Still, everything measured ok at 12 weeks and so here we are at 14 weeks and 4 days.

We're not doing any testing, so the next big appointment is not until the 20 weeks scan. I hope my anxiety levels don't increase. I'm finding it hard, as most of the classic pregnancy symptoms have gone, and I'm sitting here wondering if the baby is still growing. The IVF clinic spoilt us by doing a scan every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. It was amazing to see him/her growing, sucking their thumb, kicking their legs. It's something I miss so much.

The OB wants me to see a psychologist about the anxiety. I don't feel it's needed, and given that it's fuel by factors that I can't control (something happening to the baby, my marriage, financial worries), I'm not sure its worth me schlepping miles on the bus to see one.


Supermom said...

I'm so thrilled for you! I've been checking in regularly to see if you had an update and I've been thinking of you often. It's bizarre...I don't know you, but you've been in my prayers. YEAH!

Rachel Inbar said...

B'sha'a Tova! I've been thinking of you.

Modern Orthodox IF said...

glad things are going okay! Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Just a sharing...I had a miscarriage and 3 chemical pregnancies. When I finally became pregnant with my now one year old I couldn't enjoy the pregnancy. She was a quiet baby who never moved so I was completely worried. What should have been a joyful nine months was filled with fear and anxiety. What I'm trying to say is that I get where you are coming from. When you have experienced a loss like that you don't trust your body or your pregnancy. Other than my husband or OB I didn't tell anyone until 5 months along for fear of it just dissapearing. Even as I gave birth I didn't stop worrying until I heard that first cry. Only then was everything o.k. I'm glad you are back and that B'H everything is going well. I wish you well and will keep you in my thoughts. Keep us updated! P.S. Maybe give the therapist a try? If you can afford it and feel comfortable with the idea it might help you. I wouldn't want anyone to go through the type of anxiety I had when I was pregnant :)

Unknown said...

mazal tov! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say that I hope all is still well!

Urban Ennui said...

Bshah tova!!!!!

A said...

Wow. what wonderful news.

Rafi G. said...

b'sha'a tova! I have not checked back here in a while, but it is good to see things are working out well! Hope it stays that way!

Anonymous said...

i'm afraid i've been out of it for a long time...thank G-d all is well with my babies and i haven't had time to blog. they were born in december...both healthy and good weights.

i truly hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

just checking in...
hope everything is ok. This WILL happen for you. My prayers are with you.

DESJ and Company said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog-just want to wish you a hearty b'shaah tovah...what wonderful news for you. take good care of yourself...and update often!