Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Deja Vu time!

Well, I'm back, but sadly with no news. Well, of course I have news, since March stuff has happened. I didn't climb into a protective bubble with various snacks and magazines, and sleep til now. How I wish I had. More people a pregnant or had babies, including those whose wedding I happily danced at.

Today we were kvater again at a bris. Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful mitzva, please G-d we will be holding our own son at his bris soon, and what a honor to be chosen. Still, I felt like a public announcement-"Yes folks, we're infertile! Yes, we're been married that long, but no live kids yet!" You could see people doing the math. I'm pretty sure I'll find a bakers shop worth of challah on my doorstep before Shabbos. Thanks for thinking of us, but I'd rather find a baby on the step any day.

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